



      篇首  Sepsis is considered as a symptom complex resulted from an invasion of pathogen(s), provoking a cascade of harmful physiological changes including fulminating inflammatory responses detrimental to structures and functions of tissues and organs. The process may end in septic shock or terminate into multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) and multiple organ failure, and they are both lethal. As yet both the incidence and mortality of sepsis remain high, and it has become the leading cause of death of non-cardiac diseases in different countries, mainly because its underlying pathogenetic mechanisms are not well elucidated. Thus it continues to be an indocile challenge to human health and economical development worldwide[1].

      引用格式   盛志勇,姚咏明,林洪远. 脓毒症的免疫紊乱机制.中国危重病急救医学,2006,18(11):641-642.

